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No Going Back........

Ever felt as if you jumped off a cliff, with no going back? That's what happened when Science from Scientists in Minnesota became real. The day that a friend's family foundation donated the first monies to bring the organization here. The day that a professional colleague's EcoEducation Foundation donated additional seed funds to the office.

The day 3M donated an unbelievably generous amount to seed fund the office AND fund the in-school program in Battle Creek Elementary School for an entire year.

The day Principal Craig Anderson of Battle Creek Elementary School said, "YES, we want the program!"

The day Braun Intertec, excited to get in on the ground floor of bringing the organization to Minnesota, donated the most scientifically cool office space ever (including internet, printing and super friendly administrative assistance) for a year.

The day that Boston Scientific donated seed funding to pay instructors to bring the program to Poplar Bridge Elementary School for a year.

The day the 4th grade teachers at Poplar Bridge Elementary School said, "yes, let's try."

No going back........

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